About the Plans

What is an LRTP?

The purpose of the Long-Range Transportation Plan is to develop a vision for transportation in the state over a 20 year planning horizon. This vision is comprehensive, covering all transportation modes (e.g. automobiles, public transit trains and buses, ferries) and sectors (e.g. commuter travel, freight). Long-Range Transportation Plans are informed by a variety of resources including federal and state transportation and land use policy, transportation data sets, funding availability and projections, and public and stakeholder outreach.

LRTP Goals:

  • Action-orientated planning: Develop a plan that is action-orientated, focused on using available resources and strategies to program, prioritize, and complete projects, make necessary legislative and policy changes, and realize the goals and visions adopted by the LRTP.
  • Data-driven: Use data and metrics to inform project decisions, prioritize needs, evaluate alternatives, and ultimately propose projects, strategies, and actions with measurable impacts on the transportation network.
  • Public and Stakeholder Engagement: Use innovative tools and resources to reach a broad audience of potential stakeholders and provide several opportunities throughout the process to engage in a two-way conversation that brings valuable feed back to the planning process.
  • Federal Requirements: Develop a plan that meets the federal requirements for state and metropolitan planning organization transportation planning

What is a BMP?

The Bicycle Mobility Plan (BMP) will take a more detailed look at the specific conditions, needs, and gaps surrounding bicycle infrastructure and operations in the State of Rhode Island and identify strategies and projects that could help close gaps, improve bicycling in the State, and achieve the 20 year vision set out by the Long-Range Transportation Plan.

BMP Goals:

  • Implementation Plan: This plan will result in an implementation plan that will help guide investment in bicycle infrastructure and operations around the state to advance bicycle mobility and safety around the state.
  • Public Engagement: Leverage the knowledge and familiarity with bicycle infrastructure and needs that the public brings to the
  • 20 Year Vision: Propose actions and outcomes that align with the vision laid out by the long-range transportation plan and contribute to meeting the goals laid out by that plan for the state.
Map of Rhode Island showing indication location of bike paths in various states of development or completion.


Long-Range Transportation Plan Schedule

Phase 1 - Data Collection and Goal Setting - May 2017 - February 2018

Phase 2 - Alternatives Analysis - February 2018 - December 2019

Phase 3 - Recommendations and Final Plan Development - December 2019 - December 2020


Bicycle Mobility Plan Schedule

Phase 1 - Baseline - May 2017 - September 2017

Phase 2 - Data Collection - September 2017 - December 2017

Phase 3 - Identify Gaps & Goals - December 2017 - December 2018

Phase 4 - Recommendations - December 2018 - August 2019

Phase 5 - Master Plan Development - August 2019 - December 2020

Project Team

State of RI Seal

Michael D'Alessandro

Linsey Callaghan

Meredith Brady

Mason Perrone

Benny Bergantino

Roberta Groch

Caitlin Greeley

Ben Jacobs

R.I. Department of Transportation logo

Peter Alviti

Tom Queenan

Randy Fixman

Julie Oakley

Amy Thibeault

Pam Cotter

Steve Devine

Andy Koziol

Rhode Island Public Transit Authority logo

Scott Avedisian

Sarah Ingle

Greg Nordin

Zach Agush

Rhode Island Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC)

Michael Cassidy - Chair, Public Member

John Flaherty - Vice Chair, Grow Smart RI

Lloyd Albert - AAA Southern New England

Jan Brodie - The Pawtucket Foundation

Bari Freeman - Bike Newport

David Freeman, PE - ACEC of Rhode Island

Martina Haggerty - City of Providence

Eric Moffet - Seaview Railroad

James Moran - City of East Providence

Greg Nordin - RIPTA

Mia Patriarca - RIDOH

Mary Parella - Child Opportunity Zone of Pawtucket

Jason Pezullo - City of Cranston

Daniel J. Porter - Rhode Island Airport Corporation

Tom Queenan - RIDOT

Timothy Scanlon - Construction Industries of Rhode Island

Karen Slattery - RIDEM

Dinalyn Spears - Narragansett Indian Tribe

Michael Walker - Rhode Island Commerce Corporation

Ray Watson - Providence Cultural Equity Initiative

Michael Wood - Town of Burrillville

Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC)

Sarah Mitchell - Committee Chair, RI Bicycle Coalition

Megan DiPrete - RIDEM

Mia Patriarca - RIDOH

Meredith Brady & Michael D'Alessandro - RIDOA

Tom Queenan & Pam Cotter - RIDOT

Bari Freeman - Bike Newport

Alex Ellis & Martina Haggerty - City of Providence

Kate Michaud - Town of Warren

Bob Billington & Donna Kaehler - Blackstone Valley Tourism Council

David Smith & Rosemary Smith - South County/Friends of William O’Neill Bike Path

Jonathan Harris - Transit Matters

Alicia Lehrer - Woonasquatucket River Watershed Council

Teresa Tanzi - State Representative

Sarah Ingle - RIPTA

Allison McNally - Aquidneck Island Planning Commission

Jillian Finkle - City of Central Falls

Anthony Hebert - City of Pawtucket

Johanna Walczak - City of East Providence

Kelly Mitchell - Brown University